French Green Clay Internal use

How to Use Green Clay Internally for Digestive Health

French Green clay has several uses, particularly the ultra-ventilated illite green clay, is known for its beneficial properties in alleviating digestive issues such as diarrhea and acidity.

Here’s how you can incorporate french green clay for internal use:


  1. Night Before: Mix one tablespoon of green clay in a glass of mineral or spring water. Stir well and let it sit overnight.
  2. Morning: On an empty stomach, stir again and drink the entire mixture, including the clay.

This regimen is typically done twice a year, in spring and autumn, for three weeks.

For Constipation:

  • Follow the same preparation but in the morning, drink only the clear water without the sediment.

Important Tips:

  • Use wooden or glass utensils, never metal or plastic.
  • Always use mineral water, not tap water.
  • Avoid mixing with paraffin or castor oil.


  • French Green clay powder is a natural remedy with no side effects and is compatible with most medical treatments.
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