TIP: Burning Fat with Green Clay, using it as SOS to "deflate".

TIP: Burning Fat with Green Clay, using it as SOS to "deflate".

This is a HUGE TIP for "Burn" fat 😘😍

You can do this treatment 2 or 3  times a week or as an SOS to “deflate”, hours before a party.😱🤩👌

How: 👇
👉3 tablespoons of our green clay;
👉 2 tablespoons of coarse salt;
👉 Warm green tea q.s.;
👉 Mix well in a bowl until it forms a paste;
👉 Pass the body, with circular movements, either in the belly, tail or legs;
👉 Wrap with cling film and let stand 30 minutes;

👉Remove with warm water;

It´s Done 😘😍
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